Sunday, December 13, 2009

Novena A la Santisima Muerte

NOVENA                                | NOVENA
Para todos los dias.                  | For all the days.  
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JACULATORIA                           | EJACULATORY 
Muerte querida de mi corazon no       | Death, dear to my heart,
me desampares de tu proteccion,       | don't abandon me, protect me,
y no dejes que fulano.......          | and don't let ____name____
un solo momento tranquilo,            | have one moment of peace;
molestalo a cada inquietarlo          | keep him restless and bothered
para que siempre piense en mi.        | with the thought of me always.
(*Se resan 3 Padres Nuestros*)        | (*Say Three Our Fathers*)
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PRIMER DIA                            | FIRST DAY
Muerte Santisima:                     | Most Holy Death
Los favores que me tienes que         | The favours that you have
conceder:                             | to grant me:
Haras que venza todas las             | Make me overcome all 
dificultades y que para mi no         | difficulties so that for me 
halla nada imposible, ni              | nothing is impossible,
obstaculos, infranqueables, ni        | no obstacles, barriers,
tenga enemigos, ni que nadie          | no enemies, that no one
quiera hacerme dano, que              | does me any harm,
todos sean mis amigos y que yo        | that everyone is my friend
salga vencedor en todas las           | and that I am victorious
empresas o cosas que haga;            | in all my dealings and things I do;
Mi casa se llenara de bienes          | May my house be filled with all the good
con las virtudes de tu proteccion.    | virtues of your protection.
(*Tres Padres Nuestros*)              | (*Three Our Fathers*)
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SEGUNDO DIA                           | SECOND DAY
Muerte Santa, mi gran tesoro,         | Death Saint, my great treasure,
no te apartes en ninguna ocacion:     | never go away from me at any time:
Pan comiste y de el me diste, y       | You ate bread and gave me bread, and
como eres la poderosa duena de        | as you are the powerful owner of 
la oscura mansion de la vida y la     | the dark mansion of life and
Emperatriz de las tinieblas, quiero   | Empress of darkness, I want
que me hagas el favor de que          | you to grant me the favour that
fulano......... se presente a mis     | ___name___ is at my feet
pies humiliado y arrepentido y        | humiliated and repentant
que nunca mas vuelva a irse de mi     | and that he never leaves my
lado, mientras yo lo necesite. Y      | side when I need him, and that 
has que me cumpla lo que me ha        | you make me get what was 
prometido.                            | promised to me.
(*Tres Padres Nuestros*)              | (*Three Our Fathers*)
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TERCER DIA                            | THIRD DAY
Jesucristo vencedor que en la cruz    | Jesus Christ Conqueror who on the cross
fuiste vencido, vence a fulano......  | was conquered, conquer ____name____
que este vencido conmigo. En el       | that he is overcome by me.  In the
nombre del Senor si eres animal       | name of God, you are a ferocious animal;
feroz, te volveras manso como         | you will come back to me as a   
cordero suave como la flor de         | tame sheep, mild as the Rosemary flower.
romero. Muerte adorada: Te suplico    | Adored Death, I implore you
encarecidamente que con esa fuerza    | earnestly that with this titanic force
titanica que Dios te dio me intro-    | that God gave you, instill in
duscas en el corazon de fulano....... | ____name's____ heart
que no tenga ojos, mas que para       | that he has eyes for no one but 
mi, ye que yo sea todo para el,       | me, and that I am his everything,
hazme el favor que te pido con        | that you grant me this which I ask,
mucha fe en esta Novena, ye te pren-  | having great faith in this Novena,
dere una vela todos las martes de     | and I light a candle every Tuesday of 
cada semana a las doce de la noche.   | every week at twelve midnight.
(*Tres Padres Nuestros*)              | (*Three Our Fathers*)
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CUARTO DIA                            | FOURTH DAY
Muerte querida: Yo te pido con        | Dear Death: I ask you with 
todas las fuerzas de mi corazon,      | all my heart,
que asi como Dios te formo            | that as God made you 
Inmortal, ye poderosa duena y         | Immortal, and the powerful owner and
Reina de las tinieblas del mas alla,  | Queen of the Darkness Unknown hereafter,
que con ese gran poder que            | that with your great powers,
tienes sobre todos los mortales,      | which you have over all mortals,
hagas que fulano....... no pueda en   | make ____name____ unable to
mesa corner, ni en silla sentarse, ni | eat at any table or sit in any chair and
tranquilidad tenga, deseo que lo      | grant that he has no peace; I wish that he becomes
obligues a que humilde y rendido      | obliged to be humble and devoted
venga a mis pies y que nunca          | at my feet and that he never again
jamas se aleje de mi.                 | goes away from me.
(*Tres Padres Nuestros*)              | (*Three Our Fathers*)
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QUINTO DIA                            | FIFTH DAY
Gloriosa Y Poderosa Muerte:           | Glorious and Powerful Death,
Abusando de tu bondad, como           | taking advantage of your kindness,
mi proctetora y duena te pido este    | as my protector and owner, I ask this 
favor: Como senora invencible que     | favour: As the invicible madam that
eres te ruego que hagas que           | you are, I beg that you make
fulano.......  no pueda en paseos     | ____name____ so that he can't enjoy strolling 
gozar, ni con mujeres andar ni        | around, so hat he can't walk or eat with other women,
comer, ni dormir si a mi lado no      | or sleep unless he's at my 
esta. Que sus pensamientos sean       | side. Grant that his thoughts are about 
solo para mi, lo mismo que su         | me only, by his own choice,
voluntad y que me de la felicidad     | and that he gives me the happiness
de todo su amor.                      | of having all of his love.
(*Tres Padres Nuestros*)              | (*Three Our Fathers*)
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SEXTO DIA                             | SIXTH DAY 
!Oh Soberana Senora! a la que la      | Oh Sovereign Lady! In that the 
Divina Trinidad en el Padre Eterno    | Holy Trinity in our Eternal Father
puso para cegar la vida de todos      | has blinded the life of all mortals
los mortales, a la que a todos llega  | to the fact that you will come
mas tarde o mas tenprano y que        | to everyone sooner or later,
no le importan las riquezas o         | whether rich or poor or
juventudes, pues es pareja con        | in youth, who does to us all the same,
viegos, jovenes o ninos, a los que    | old, young, child;
habra de llevar a sus dominios,       | we enter your domain of death
cuando Dios se lo indique. Te         | when God decrees.
suplico que fulano....... se ena-     | I implore you that ____name____
more mucho de mi, que no se fije      | is much in love with me, not just
en la hermosura fisica, sino en la    | for physical beauty, but also
de mi alma, y que venga a mi          | for my soul, and that he comes to me
sumiso, field, arrodillado a mis pies.| faithful, submissive, kneeling at my feet.
(*Tres Padres Nuestros*)              | (*Three Our Fathers*)
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SEPTIMO DIA                           | SEVENTH DAY
Librame a mi de todo mal, y           | Liberate me from all evil, and
con este titanico poder que tienes    | with the titanic power with which
con el cual Dios te doto, haras       | God endowed you, make it so
que gocemos eternamente, un           | that we enjoy eternal
dia glorioso sin noches. Por eso      | heavenly nightless days.
protectora y Duena: te pido me        | Protector and owner: I beg you
concedas los favores que yo           | to grant me the favors I request
deseo en esta Novena. Se hace la      | in these prayers.
peticion........                      | I ask that _______________________.
(*Tres Padres Nuestros*)              | (*Three Our Fathers*)
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OCTAVO DIA                            | EIGHTH DAY
Milagrosa Y Majestuosa Muerte:        | Miraculous and Majestic Death:
Te pido que con tu poder              | I ask that with your immense power
inmenso me devuelvas el carino        | you return my beloved,
de ........   No lo dejes un          | ____name____. Don't let him for one minute
momento sociego, ni tranquilo         | be sociable or tranquil
con nadie se halle, ni con            | with anyone he comes across; neither with
amigos ni con mujeres contento        | friends nor with women may he be at ease.
esta. Si esta durmiendo me este       | Grant that while sleeping, he thinks of me,
pensamiento este en mi, y en las      | and that he listens to the
palabras que yo te digo las           | words I say to you in his sleep,
escuche y haga lo que yo te pido.     | and that he does what I ask.
(*Tres Padres Nuestros*)              | (*Three Our Fathers*)
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NOVENO DIA                            | NINTH DAY
Muerte Protectora Y Bendita:          | Blessed Protector Death:
Por la virtud que Dios te dio:        | By the virtues that God gave you
quero que me libres de todos los      | I ask that you free me from all
maleficios y peligros y enferme-      | evil, danger, and sickness
dades y que en cambio me des:         | and that instead you give me                                        
DINERO, que me des amigos y           | MONEY, that you give me friends
me libres de mis enemigos             | and freedom from my enemies,
haciendo tambien que fulano.......    | also making ____name____
se presente ante mi humilde a         | come before me, humbled
pedirme perdon, humilde como          | to ask my forgiveness, humble as a
un cordero, fiel a sus promesas y     | sheep, keeping his promises and
siempre amoroso y sumiso.             | always loving and submissive.
(*Tres Padres Nuestros*)              | (*Three Our Fathers*)

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